Monday, October 22, 2012

A New World

Let's start with an introduction.

Greetings Dear Reader,

First thing's first. My name is Louis and I am interior decorator living in NYC and working on houses near and far. I'm not a historian in any way, but I do like antiques and classical interiors. Recently a friend turned me on to the world of miniatures and well, I'm hooked. So I thought that I should build a house.....I am in no way a woodworker or a craftsman, tho I can can draw and paint rather well and I can decorate with the best of here I am writing my first entry for A Miniature Gentleman....

I've chosen a house, but sadly,I'm thinking I will have to build one from scratch...not that there's anything wrong with it other than it has low ceilings....and I need at least 12' to get the look I I've drawn up plans and will head off to the lumber yard to have the pieces cut. Hopefully, I will be able to put them the mean time I've been shopping around....and I can't seem to find classical wallpapers, so I've decided to make my own....below are some attempts at Grecian borders and a grisaille...guaches and ink but I think it may be easier to eventually print these borders out....mixed media as it were...planning a few mod paintings too...

Well, let's see what happens...I'm thinking I need to learn how to make molds soon...I need some caryatides for pier tables.....


  1. Louis--I love's so you! only tiny. I look forward to seeing where you take it. And I hope you can get out of your apartment soon!
    Katherine Glendinning

  2. Hey Katherine! so good to hear from you. Hope all's well. NYC is starting to move a bit, but downtown will take a long time to come back. The EV and Chelsea are disaster areas and there's no power below 34th St....but you know how things go....rebuild, rebuild, rebuild and some of the infrastructure was so old anyway that it was past due....anyhow....having fun escaping NY while stuck in my apt working on this thing here...I think I might go blind before it's finished.

  3. Hey Louis
    So, first post down and I love it!!
    I have the same problem, whilst I love the immediacy of kit houses, the ceilings are a total killer! You'd think somebody somewhere would produce a range that didn't cost the earth!
    Better stop there and carry on reading...

  4. Hi Simon!! Thanks for visiting. I've been so bad, haven't worked on my house in a long while. We live in a small apt in NYC, so it takes up a good deal of space….have to get back to it at some time and ye, someones should figure out that the kit proportions are horrible!
